Lotrak® geotextiles are specifically engineered to facilitate fast filtration in various drainage applications, enabling water to permeate into a filter drain while preventing the transport of fine soil particles. 

These geotextiles feature a precise opening size that effectively manages soil particle movement without causing blockages. Consequently, water flow remains unobstructed as a bridging zone is established, promoting natural soil filtration and reducing the potential for flooding.

Comparison of Lotrak® and Terram CE English Download
Comparison of Lotrak® and Terram UKCA English Download
Lotrak® 100 CE English Download
Lotrak® 100 UKCA English Download
Lotrak® 160 English Download
Lotrak® 200 CE English Download
Lotrak® 200 UKCA English Download
Lotrak® 300 CE English Download
Lotrak® 300 UKCA English Download
Lotrak® 80 English Download
Lotrak® Filtration & Drainage CE English Download
Lotrak® Filtration & Drainage UKCA English Download
Lotrak® Separation CE English Download
Lotrak® Separation UKCA English Download
Lotrak Installation Guidelines English Download
Corporate Brochure English Download
Geotextiles Introduction English Download
Lotrak® Geotextiles Durability Statement English Download
Case Study - Inverness Flood Prevention Scheme English Download